Apple MacBook Pro Space Gray 2018 price in Bangladesh

price/111,500 BDT
  • 15.4-inch Retina display with True Tone
  • Resolution: 2560 x 1600 pixels for 13-inch model, 2880 x 1800 pixels for 15-inch model
  • 15-inch model: 6-core or 8-core Intel Core i9
Memory (RAM):
  • Configurable up to 32GB LPDDR4X
  • Configurable SSD storage options, ranging from 500GB
  • Discrete graphics options for the 15-inch model, such as Radeon Pro 555X or 560X
  • Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) ports: The number of ports may vary depending on the model.
  • Battery life varies depending on the model and usage but generally offers several hours of usage.
Operating System:
  • macOS
Other Features:
  • Touch Bar and Touch ID (on certain models)
  • Force Touch trackpad
  • Backlit Magic Keyboard
  • FaceTime HD camera
  • macOS Big Sur (at release) and upgradable to newer macOS versions

Remember that specific configurations may have different specifications, so it's important to check the exact specifications for the specific model you are interested in. Additionally, technology evolves, and there may be newer MacBook Pro models available now. Please check Apple's official website or contact Apple for the most up-to-date information on their products.

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