MacBook Pro A1708 ( 2017) Core i5 16gb 256gb price in bangladesh

price/61,000 BDT
  • 13.3-inch Retina display with a resolution of 2560 x 1600 pixels.
  • Intel Core i5 processor, depending on the specific configuration.
Memory (RAM):
  • 16GB of LPDDR3 RAM, soldered to the logic board (not user-upgradable).
  • Solid-state drive (SSD) with 256GB. Storage is soldered to the logic board and not user-upgradable.
  • Intel Iris Graphics 540 or 640 integrated graphics.
  • Two Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) ports for charging, data transfer, and external displays.
  • 3.5mm headphone jack.
Battery Life:
  • Up to 10 hours of web browsing or video playback.
  • Features the second-generation "butterfly" keyboard, which was known for its low key travel and some reliability issues.
  • Force Touch trackpad with haptic feedback.
Operating System:
  • Ships with macOS Sierra but is compatible with newer macOS versions.
Dimensions and Weight:
  • 11.97 x 8.36 x 0.59 inches (30.41 x 21.24 x 1.49 cm).
  • Approximately 3.02 pounds (1.37 kg).
Wireless Connectivity:
  • Wi-Fi 802.11ac and Bluetooth 4.2.
  • Stereo speakers with high dynamic range.
  • Dual microphones.
  • 720p FaceTime HD camera.
  • T2 security chip for data encryption and secure boot.
Please note that specific configurations may vary, and Apple may have offered various customization options for this MacBook Pro model. This laptop was notable for its compact size, Retina display, and the introduction of Thunderbolt 3/USB-C ports for connectivity, which replaced traditional USB and other ports. Keep in mind that since my knowledge is based on information available up to January 2022, there might have been newer MacBook Pro models released after that date.

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