MacBook Pro A1989 (2018) 16gb 1tb price in bangladesh

price/79,000 BDT
  • It could be configured Intel Core i7 quad-core processor. The exact model and clock speed may vary depending on the specific configuration.
  • 13.3-inch Retina display with a resolution of 2560 x 1600 pixels.
  • True Tone technology for more accurate color representation.
  • Integrated Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655.
Memory (RAM):
  • It was available with 16GB of LPDDR3 RAM, depending on the configuration.
  • Options for SSD storage ranging from 1TB.
  • Extremely fast SSD storage for quick data access.
  • Four Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) ports for charging, data transfer, and external displays.
  • A 3.5mm headphone jack.
  • The 2018 MacBook Pro models featured Apple's third-generation butterfly keyboard.
  • Touch Bar: Some configurations included the Touch Bar, a dynamic touchscreen control strip above the keyboard.
Battery Life:
  • Up to 10 hours of web browsing or video playback.
Operating System:
  • macOS High Sierra pre-installed but upgradeable to newer macOS versions.
  • Approximately 3.02 pounds (1.37 kg).
Please note that specific configurations could vary, and some of the specifications (such as processor, RAM, and storage) could be customized at the time of purchase. You may want to check the specific configuration of the A1989 model you are interested in to get precise details on the components it includes.

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