A.Tech 3D Optical Mouse - OP192(USB) 1200 DPI

price/150 BDT
- Ergonomic design
- 3 buttons with scroll whee
- Accurate optical sensor
- Plug and play, no need any driver
Interface USB
Cable length 1.20(±0.05) m
Power consumption 5V DC up to 30mA
Dimension 101x60x38mm
Net weight 57g (Not included package)
Compatible Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10/11, Mac OS(All Operating System)
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company
All brand names, logos and registered trademarks mentioned are property of their respective owners.
• A.Tech 3D Optical Mouse OP-192(USB) Wired Mouse• Connectivity Type: Wired• Plug and Play feature for easy installation• Adjustable fan speed not available• Number of bays and modules not specified• Output voltage(s): 5V DC up to 30mA• Cord length: 1.2M• Bluetooth version: Not available• Model: OP-192• Write speed not specified.
This A.Tech 3D Optical Mouse OP-192(USB) Wired Mouse 3 buttons is a reliable and efficient computer accessory for your everyday use. With a plug-and-play feature, you can easily connect it to your computer without any hassle. The mouse has a 1.20(+-0.50)m Cl Cable Length and a USB 3rd generation connectivity type. It has a write_speed of 1200DPI, making it a precise and accurate mouse for your work or gaming needs. The mouse has three buttons that are easy to use and navigate. Its sleek design and wired connectivity make it a perfect fit for your desktop or laptop.

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