How to do empty screen on blogger website with code

If you want to create a simple HTML template for a blog post on Blogspot (now known as Blogger), here's a basic example of an empty screen code you can use as a starting point:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Your Blog Post Title</title>
        <h1>Your Blog Post Title</h1>
            <p>This is your blog post content. Write your text here.</p>
        <p>Posted by [Your Name] on [Date]</p>

In this code:

  • Replace "Your Blog Post Title" with the title of your blog post.
  • Replace "This is your blog post content. Write your text here." with the actual content of your blog post.
  • Update "[Your Name]" and "[Date]" in the footer with your name and the date of the post.

You can further customize this template by adding styles, images, and other elements to make it fit your blog's design. Once you have your content ready, you can go to your Blogspot (Blogger) dashboard and create a new post, then switch to the HTML editor and paste your code.

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