Biggest storage shared website, commonly known as MEGA, is a cloud storage and file hosting service. It was created by Kim Dotcom, the founder of the now-defunct Megaupload service. MEGA's primary purpose is to allow users to store and share files securely in the cloud.

Key features of MEGA include:

01. Secure Storage: MEGA emphasizes security and privacy. It uses end-to-end encryption to protect user data, meaning that only the user has access to their files, and not even MEGA itself can view the content.

02. File Synchronization: MEGA provides desktop and mobile applications that allow users to synchronize files and folders across multiple devices, making it easy to access your data from different platforms.

03. File Sharing: Users can generate shareable links to their files and folders, allowing others to download or view the content. You can also set permissions to control who can access your shared data.

04. Collaboration: MEGA supports collaboration features, allowing users to work on files and folders together. This can be useful for both personal and business use cases.

05. Free and Premium Plans: MEGA offers both free and paid plans with varying amounts of storage and bandwidth. Premium plans provide additional features and more storage capacity.

06. Browser-Based Access: You can access your files on MEGA through a web browser, making it convenient to use from any computer with an internet connection.

This is Mega: Search Mega

It's worth noting that the service has faced some controversy and legal issues, particularly related to copyright infringement and piracy due to its predecessor, Megaupload. However, MEGA itself positions as a legitimate and secure cloud storage service.

Before using any cloud storage service, it's essential to understand its terms of service, privacy policies, and the level of security and encryption it provides to protect your data.

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