Download NetSpeedMonitor (32-bit and 64-bit)

NetSpeedMonitor is a tool for Windows PCs that allows users to monitor their internet connection speed in real-time. It typically appears as a small, unobtrusive toolbar that displays upload and download speeds directly on the taskbar. This can be useful for those who want to keep track of their internet usage, especially if they are on a limited data plan or want to diagnose network issues.

One of the key features of NetSpeedMonitor is its simplicity and ease of use. Once installed, it automatically detects and displays network activity without requiring any configuration. Users can customize the display units (e.g., kilobytes per second, megabits per second) and adjust other settings according to their preferences.

NetSpeedMonitor can be particularly handy for users who want to monitor their internet usage in real-time, especially if they are concerned about bandwidth usage or want to ensure they are getting the speeds they are paying for from their internet service provider.

Download FIles 2.59 MB (2,723,727 bytes) 2.29 MB (2,409,496 bytes)

However, it's worth noting that the last official version of NetSpeedMonitor was released several years ago, and it may not be actively maintained or compatible with newer versions of Windows. As an alternative, users may want to explore other network monitoring tools or utilities that are more up-to-date and compatible with the latest operating systems.

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